London Centenary Conference of the British Psychoanalytical Society
Time in the Mind: Here and Now, There and Then
The British Psychoanalytical Society celebrates its centenary anniversary with a conference dealing with temporality and technique. Members of the British Psychoanalytical society will debate on the issues of when, how, why and what to interpret with regards to time.
The subject of temporality in psychoanalysis has been richly studied and has led to much debate and controversy about what the psychoanalyst should focus on.
Freud’s famous archaeological metaphor of psychoanalysis as the method with which to unearth ancient civilizations within the mind tended to put the accent somewhat more on what happened in the past, There and Then, although not completely.
Later schools, particularly the Kleinians, felt that there was more emotional immediacy and possibility of reaching the patient if one focused on what was happening within the consulting room between the patient and the analyst, Here and Now.
Strachey’s paper on mutative interpretation attempted to join the two and encouraged analysts to interpret how what had happened There and Then is happening Here and Now.
Since then, the scientific debate on how to interpret temporality has been on-going and ever-deepening. In this conference, leading thinkers in the field will debate their cutting-edge clinical research and experience.
Date: From Friday the 19th of September to Sunday the 21st
Place: Regent’s College, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NS
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